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Invisalign® & Invisalign Teen

Enjoy Revolutionary, Discreet Treatment

As an experienced provider of Invisalign in Las Vegas, NV, Dr. Chen has extensive expertise in creating healthy, beautiful smiles with the revolutionary technology of clear, removable aligners. Invisalign can be a great option for both teens and adults, and it provides a level of discretion that exceeds even clear braces.

Easy & Comfortable Treatment With Invisalign

Invisalign treatment provides numerous benefits to make straightening your teeth as easy as smiling.

  • True discretion - Invisalign provides the ultimate discretion for straightening teeth – even more than clear braces, which still require a visible metal wire. With Invisalign, no one needs to know you are undergoing treatment unless you choose to tell them.
  • Improved comfort - Invisalign doesn't use brackets, which means the inside of your mouth won't get sore or raw from chafing brackets. Invisalign's smooth, plastic aligners provide a comfortable experience throughout your treatment.
  • No diet restrictions - With metal or clear braces, you must avoid certain foods that can damage or break the brackets. With Invisalign, however, you simply remove your aligner while you eat. That means you can sink your teeth into whatever you like. From crunchy apples to sticky gum – the sky's the limit!
  • Easy oral hygiene - Braces require extra care to remove food particles that get caught in the brackets, and getting the floss under that wire can be tough. Once again, Invisalign's aligners come to the rescue. Remove your aligner to brush and floss as usual, and then pop it back into your mouth when you're finished.
  • No impact on your hobbies - With braces, many musicians find they need to undergo an adjustment period during which they essentially relearn how to play their brass or wind instrument. Athletes also need to take extra steps to protect their teeth and appliances by wearing pricey, custom-made mouthguards for braces. Invisalign's removable aligners let you skip the inconvenience and keep enjoying your hobbies as usual.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign uses a digital 3D model of your teeth to create a set of aligners custom-designed for your unique smile. First, Dr. Chen meets with you to determine what needs to be corrected. During your free exam and consultation, she creates a digital impression of your teeth with our 3D scanning technology.

Next, Dr. Chen sends your digital scan and customized treatment plan to Invisalign's specialized lab, where they use highly advanced computer technology to finely calibrate a sequence of aligners for your unique smile. Each aligner represents a different point along the path that your teeth will move. Depending on the treatment plan Dr. Chen develops with you, you may receive as few as 10 or as many as 30 separate aligners.

You wear each aligner for about two weeks, taking it out to eat, brush, and floss. As you replace each aligner with the next in the series, your teeth gradually move into their final alignment. You will visit our orthodontic office approximately once every six weeks so that Dr. Chen can check your progress and give you the next few aligners for your treatment. As you continue to wear the virtually invisible aligners, they gradually reposition and adjust your teeth into a radiant smile that you’ll be proud to show.

Caring for Your Aligner Trays

Proper care and maintenance of your Invisalign aligners in Las Vegas are essential for achieving the best results and ensuring your treatment progresses smoothly. Here are some tips on how to take care of your aligners:

1. Clean Your Aligners Regularly: It's important to clean your Invisalign aligners regularly to prevent the buildup of plaque and bacteria. Rinse them with lukewarm water every time you remove them from your mouth and gently brush them with a soft toothbrush to remove any debris. Avoid using hot water, as it can warp the plastic.

2. Use Aligner Cleaning Products: In addition to brushing, you can use specialized Invisalign cleaning products or denture cleaners to keep your aligners clean and odor-free. These products are designed to effectively remove stains and bacteria without damaging the aligner material.

3. Avoid Eating or Drinking Anything Besides Water: Remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything besides water to prevent staining and damage. Eating or drinking with your aligners in can also trap food particles, leading to decay and bad breath. Always remember to brush your teeth before putting your aligners back in.

4. Store Your Aligners Properly: When you're not wearing your aligners, store them in their protective case to keep them safe and hygienic. Avoid leaving them exposed to air or sunlight, as this can cause them to become discolored or warped.

5. Wear Your Aligners as Directed: Follow your orthodontist's instructions regarding wearing your aligners. Typically, you'll need to wear them for 20 to 22 hours a day, only removing them for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. Consistently wearing your aligners as directed will ensure that your treatment progresses on schedule.

6. Keep Your Mouth Clean: Proper oral hygiene is crucial during Invisalign treatment to prevent cavities and gum disease. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily to remove plaque and food particles that can become trapped between your teeth and aligners.

7. Attend Regular Check-Up Appointments: Schedule regular check-up appointments with your orthodontist to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. These appointments are also an opportunity to address any concerns or questions you may have about your Invisalign treatment.

By following these tips and taking good care of your Invisalign aligners in Las Vegas, you can ensure that your treatment is successful and that you achieve the beautiful, straight smile you've always wanted. If you have any questions or concerns about caring for your aligners, don't hesitate to contact Significance Orthodontics for guidance and support.

Is Invisalign for Everyone?

Not everyone is a good candidate for Invisalign, but Dr. Chen can determine if clear aligners are right for your orthodontic needs. As an experienced Invisalign Provider, Dr. Chen has been specially trained and certified to evaluate your eligibility for Invisalign and develop a customized treatment plan for your best result.

Schedule Your Appointment for Invisalign in Las Vegas, NV

To experience our award-winning orthodontic care, schedule your Free New Patient Assessment today by calling (702) 547-9977. You may also use our convenient online form. Your appointment includes the following:

  • Welcome office tour & discuss your goals
  • Complimentary diagnostic records as needed
  • Discuss treatment options & length of treatment time
  • Choose from metal braces, clear braces, or InvisalignⓇ
  • Review fees, insurance benefits & payment options
  • Get your braces or Invisalign started on the same day

During your appointment, we will take the time to explain our treatment process, flexible payment options, and answer any questions you may have. As your orthodontist in Las Vegas, we look forward to helping you achieve your happiest, healthiest smile!

Over 700 Five-Star Reviews
I never felt nervous or pressured into treatment and they broke down every step of the financial and treatment process to me.— J.T.K.
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The reviews listed are from actual patients of Significance Orthodontics. Individual results may vary. Reviews are not claimed to represent results for everyone.
What to Expect at Your First Visit Removing barriers to exceptional orthodontics
  • Welcome office tour and discuss your goals
  • Complimentary diagnostic records as needed
  • Discuss treatment options and length of treatment time
  • Choose from metal braces, clear braces or Invisalign
  • Review fees, insurance benefit and payment options
  • Get your braces or Invisalign started same day
Ready to Change Your Life?
Fort Apache/Russell Office (702) 547-9977 6018 S Fort Apache Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89148 Get Directions Southwest Patient Portal Hours Monday - Thursday: 8AM - 5PM Friday: 8AM - 3PM
Craig/Simmons Office (702) 647-8114 2777 W Craig Rd. Ste. #101 North Las Vegas, NV 89032 Get Directions Craig Patient Portal Hours Monday – Thursday: 8AM - 5PM Friday: 8AM - 3PM