Invisalign can help adults achieve their dream smiles

Does It Matter Where I Get My Invisalign? By Top Rated Orthodontists In Las Vegas

By Dr. Victoria Chen – Significance Orthodontics

With the growing popularity of Invisalign, a growing number of orthodontists are offering this treatment option. If your orthodontist is offering it, you may be wondering if you should go with the practice you know, or choose someone else. Here are some considerations that can help with this choice.

Choose an Orthodontist with Experience

The Invisalign system consists of clear aligners that cover the teeth like molds, similar to those used in at-home teeth whitening kits. Each aligner places pressure on the teeth to move them into proper position, and is worn for two weeks. After the two week period, a new aligner which moves the teeth a little more is worn for an additional two weeks, repeating the process until the teeth are in their proper place.


This is a highly precise system, and this means that experience matters. If an orthodontics office has not been offering Invisalign for long, you may want to choose a practice with more experience.


Choose a Las Vegas, NV Orthodontist Who Offers Options


While Invisalign is a great system, it’s not necessarily the system for every situation. Choose an orthodontists office that offers a number of teeth straightening options, and will take the time to get to know you and your goals to select the right system for your needs. You want good results, and this may mean a different alignment system than Invisalign.

Choose a Board Certified Orthodontist

Finally, make sure the practice you consider is led by a board certified orthodontist. Your board certified orthodontists in Las Vegas have completed written and clinical exams and been reviewed by a panel of his or her peers to ensure that the care provided to patients is the best available. Certification renewal takes place every 10 years, ensuring that your Las Vegas orthodontists continue to learn the latest treatment options.


If you’ve decided that Invisalign sounds like the right teeth straightening option for you, choose your provider carefully. Not all orthodontics offices provide the same level of care. Choose a provider with experience, certification and options, and you will have a higher chance of a successful, positive outcome.  We have all three. Schedule your appointment at Significance Orthodontics to discuss Invisalign today.


This information is not meant as medical advice. It is provided solely for education. Our Las Vegas, NV orthodontics office would be pleased to discuss your unique circumstances and needs as they relate to these topics.

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